Friday, December 11, 2015

Zeeuwse bolussen


500 grams Flower
1 pinch salt
3.5 deciliter milk
50 grams Yeast
75 grams butter
1 Egg
250g caster sugar Brown
2 tablespoons cinnamon


Sift the flour into a bowl and put some salt in it. Heat the milk until it is lukewarm. Solve the yeast with the butter in a little lukewarm milk. Make a well in the flour and add the yeast mixture that has just been created here. Now Beat the egg and put it also in the same hole in the yeast solution. Pour dash dash for the rest of the lukewarm milk to the flour and go all from the middle knead until a nice smooth dough. Let the dough rise for about 1 hour under a moist cloth in a warm place. Meanwhile, the dough rises you can already cinnamon and brown sugar mix together. After hours you have the dough to rise one more time knead well. Weigh than small pieces of dough off of 60 grams. Let this dough pieces 15 minutes below a plastic bag or tarp. After 15 minutes you can put the pieces of dough a little by the cinnamon-sugar mixture and roll back 15 minutes to rise. Now the real work. Roll the dough pieces by the sugar into long strengels, and roll up your finger like a turd. It's very simple, pick up the twist at the end between your thumb and forefinger and turn the twist at two times around your finger. . Place the boluses right on a buttered baking sheet or baking paper held by the end of the bolus under the bolus. Let the boluses under plastic sheeting rise half an hour. Preheat the oven already at 250 degrees Celsius. Bake the boluses in 10 minutes or until tender and brown. After baking, the boluses turn right but beware of the sugar syrup because it is very warm. Let the boluses are cool but not dry.

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