Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Uštipci  are doughnut-like fried dough balls popular in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia where they are known as "miške".

They are similar to Fritule, and also to krofne but with more of a soft, bread-like feel to them. They are easier to make than krofne, and they do not necessarily have to be sweet. In restaurants they might come with jam, kajmak or with cheese thus fulfilling the role of breakfast staple or dessert or even a main course. They can also have other ingredients in them which most commonly are apple, pumpkin, but and even meat and cheese are possibilities. They are eaten with tea or coffee and also as a dessert. Many times, they are also served with powdered sugar sprinkled on top of them to make them more aesthetically pleasing. They can go well with jams, Nutella, and Eurocrem.

In a large bowl add flour and yeast and mix. Then, add salt and sugar, egg and water until you get the mixture to dough consistency. Leave to stand for about half an hour until the dough sets. Once the dough has doubled in size, pinch medium-sized pieces of dough in any shape you like and place in a pan with a good amount of oil, usually filled to half to the top. Fry until just golden brown. Place on paper towel to dry excess oil.

700 gr. flour
3 pcs. eggs
50 gr. butter
1 package dry yeast
1 teaspoon salt
half a teaspoon of sugar
2 heaping tablespoons sour cream
40-50 ml. lukewarm water

Put a cup of sugar, yeast and a teaspoon of flour. Stir, and let the yeast foams.
Melt the butter and leave to cool.
The container in which the will and knead, sift flour. Add salt. Stir. Add eggs and sour cream. Immediately add the foamed yeast. Now, begin to interfere with a wooden spoon as long as you can. Then adding the lukewarm water with hand knead that does not stick to your hands.
Dough smear a little oil and cover with transparent film, and a clean cotton cloth. Leave a dough rises 1 hour.
Risen dough, put it on floured table. Sprinkle with a little more flour to the dough so as not to help the adhesive. With roller attenuate the dough 1 cm thick. Leave a grows another 10 minutes.
Then with time you practice circles.
Do that with all the test until it is spent. In this way, they still are growing.

When you're done with all the tests, then pour the oil in a frying pan. Put the oil around one finger. When the oil is warmed, place the fritters fry. Hi fry over medium heat.

When well done on one side, turn the other side. In this way, they are well inflated.

Finished fritters, put them first on a paper towel, then serve while still warm.

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