Monday, December 28, 2015

Cheesecake from cup

 A cake in a cup 
Photo: Thinkstock
Many are surprised when they hear that in the microwave can prepare quick and cheesecake that their taste is not inferior to the classic version of cheesecake. For three portions, which will also bake in a cup, you will need 120g fresh cream cheese, 240 g yoghurt, 3-4 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, egg whites of 2 eggs and ½ teaspoon vanilla extract. These ingredients thoroughly in a bowl and add them as an optional, such as fruit puree, jam or simply - the juice and grated lemon peel. Then prepare three cups, put them on the bottom of the crushed biscuits, and distribute them to the prepared mixture. Cheese cakes in cups bake one at a time at a high temperature, for 45-60 seconds.

During the processing of cheesecake in the microwave you must ensure that you blend with cheese begins to boil, so it bake in 15-second intervals, checking the consistency of cream after each interval. That the cakes of cheese finished, you will recognize the fact that the cream along the edges to be solid in the middle, like a jelly, and this make a slight shake cup. Before eating, tarts leave about 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Gâteau léger au citron


2 lemons
400 g flour
2 tablespoons baking powder
120g butter
1 deciliter of olive oil
120g sugar
2dcl whole milk
4 egg whites
icing and decoration
100g icing sugar
1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice

preparation method

Lemons put in cold water and boil them for 5 minutes, remove from heat, spilled water, pour new and repeat the process. After cooking, remove from the water and Mixing up and leave aside to cool.

In a bowl stir the flour and baking powder in the second melt butter and pour over the olive oil and sugar and mix until everything is combined and become slightly foamy.

Pour over the flour, add the mashed lemons and milk and mix everything well.
In other utensils Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt.
Snow carefully with a spatula or wooden spoon to dilute the mixture, just to connect.

If you want to add the candied fruit or almonds in a cake, do it in the last 2-3 strokes spoon, do not mix too much as it would have happened to cover almonds and squeeze the air out of the mixture and cake will remain a pillar.
Pour mixture into a greased and flour sprinkled with good mold and bake for about 40 minutes at 180C, depending on the oven. He should grow well and get nice browny color.

Leave it to cool in the mold so it just before serving drizzle with a mixture of lemon juice and powdered sugar and decorate as desired 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


0.5 kg of flour
1 egg
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons sugar
2 dl sour cream
1 tablespoon rum or brandy
vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon oil
1/2 baking powder
pinch of salt
0.5 liters of oil for baking
powdered sugar for sprinkling

Sugar, egg yolks and egg foam make.
Flour mixed with baking powder.
In the flour to make a dent in it add sour cream, oil, rum,
a pinch of salt and a mixture of egg yolks and sugar.
 Knead the dough and leave in the fridge for about half an hour.
Chilled dough thinly roll.

Cut it into strips 2 cm wide and 10 cm long, approximately. Of course, you do not have to stick to these measures.

Optionally, you can tie knots in the middle strips.

Fry in hot oil until they turn yellow.

Roasted kroštule drain on a paper napkin and sprinkle still hot with powdered sugar.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Super smart cake

8 eggs
300 g sugar
10 tablespoon flour
250g butter
1 liter milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
rind of lemon

Melt butter 1 and leave to cool. 
Foam blended egg yolks with sugar, gradually add flour, 
melted butter, vanilla extract, lemon peel and milk.
 To the combined mixture gradually add pre-made egg whites firm.

 The mixture is poured onto a previously prepared tin (20x30 cm) 
 and bake in preheated oven for one hour at 165 degrees.

This is one of my favorite cakes.
 It is very juicy, tasty and refreshing.
If someone loves chocolate variant can then 
replace part of the flour with cocoa powder

Friday, December 18, 2015

vanilla cookies


280 g flour
100 g sugar
100 g walnuts
200g butter
1 vanilla sugar
100 g of powdered sugar


Walnuts, sugar, flour and butter into a smooth dough. Butter may be room temperature.
Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for half an hour and then shape into small rolls.
 Place them in a sheet.

Baked 10 minutes at 180 ° C in a preheated oven.
When baked, remove from oven and allow to rest for 2-3 minutes and then roll them in a mixture of powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to make homemade margarine

Margarines can be enriching and ingredients such as seeds, spices or flavorings, depending on preferences. Also, ratios and types of oils used in the preparation of influencing the flavor of margarine.

The first association to margarine, industrial production and unknown processes. However, we can easily demystify that food you prepare at home. The list of ingredients needed for the preparation of margarine is not comprehensive. For starters, we need oil and water, which are the basis of these foods without them is not possible to make margarine.

Since oil and water do not spontaneously connect, we need an emulsifier, and is commonly used lecithin from egg yolk. Then came a citric acid or lemon juice to make fresh butter. Last but not the least important ingredient is the salt that enriches and intensifies the taste of other ingredients. Margarines can be enriching and other ingredients such as seeds, spices or flavorings, depending on preferences. Also, ratios and types of oils used in the preparation of influencing the flavor of margarine.

To prepare the homemade butter you need the following ingredients:

1/2 cup milk / water
1 cup oil (sunflower or a mixture of olive and sunflower) or 1/2 cup oil and 1/2 cup of coconut fat
1 teaspoon of liquid lecithin or egg yolk
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
At the start of the water to be heated, or the milk to about 40 degrees. The vessel that has been placed in an ice bath, pour the oil in which we used to dissolve the lecithin or egg yolk and the strongest rate mix. Gradually add the milk / water and mix for approximately 2 minutes until the milk / water and oil do not connect. Add lemon juice and salt and mix gently until the butter is not concentrated. The last step involves your creativity.

Would you like your butter is different and aromatic, add a little chili powder or use smoked salt. If you decide that a sweet taste, add a mixture of cinnamon and sugar, malt or honey. A special dimension will give the addition of seeds or coarse salt. If desired, at the end you can add some spice (garlic juice, pieces of garlic or onion, red pepper and chives ...). Margarine put into a dish and keep in the refrigerator. You need to spend a period of 2-3 days.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Pizza (speciality of Italian cuisine)

Pizza was originally an Italian product and comes from a time when the poor barely subsisted.
Therefore, it holds that the pizza food of the poor, although nowadays it can not tell.
But the story of the origin of the pizza I will leave for another time.
Pizza dough is most important and then stuffing and other ingredients.

1 kg multipurpose flour
0.6 l milk
100 g butter
2 bags of dry yeast
pinch of salt


Tomato puree
salt, pepper, garlic powder
a little olive oil.

grated cheese

Sieved flour and make a dent in that you put all the dry ingredients,
Melt butter and heated with milk just enough to not cold.
Add the milk and butter in the flour and the dough mixture.

dough let rise until double the volume.
Than mix and cut into pieces
of which shape the balls that leave another 15 minutes to rise.
Roll out the dough on a baking sheet
 and brush with sauce of tomato and overlay the stuffing.

We put bake in the oven at 200 degrees,
 the pizza should be baked with in 10-20 min.

Filling that I used is just one example,you can put whatever you want ..

Enjoy your meal

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dalmatian fritule


2-3 eggs
0.5 liters of yogurt
3-4 tablespoons sugar
2 vanilla sugar
300-500 grams of flour
pinch of salt
lemon zest
baking powder
rum or other alcohol such as vodka or cognac

In a bowl, break the eggs, add the. yogurt, sugar, salt, vanilla sugar,
lemon zest, rum, raisins,
baking powder and stir well with a wooden spoon.

Add Flour how it is needed the dough thicker than for pancakes.
 Let stand about 15 minutes.

In a pot heat the fat to about 180 degrees, set a cup of water and a spoon on the side. Grab the dough and make a fist on top of your hand, with a spoon pick up the dough and put it in the hot fat
Frying until is golden in color

Fried fritters on paper towels path, still hot sprinkled with sugar and ready to eat.

Dubrovnik rozada


500ml milk
6 tablespoons sugar
6 eggs
2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
Cover 1 lemon
2 tablespoons liqueur of roses (or rum)


For the caramel sauce pour the sugar into the thick bottom saucepan and heat over low heat until Dissolved. Then turn up the heat and cook until the syrup without taking a nice golden brown.
 During cooking the sugar mix.
 Remove the pan from the heat and care fully distribute 
the resul ting caramel among 4 ceramic bowls.
 Be quick Because The caramel harden very quickly. 
The plate with caramel turn upsidedown So that the caramel covers all sides. 
Allow to cool.
Warm up the oven to 150 ° C. 
In a bowl of warm milk and 6 tablespoons sugar Constantly stirring until the sugar is Dissolved. 
Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. 
Meanwhile whisk beat the eggs with the vanilla sugar
. Mix only as much as needed to connect the eggs and sugar, making sure the mixture is frothy.
 Do not use an electric mixer.
 Add the lemon zest and liqueur or rum and roses mix. 
At the end of the mixture pour the milk slowly and stir until everything is united together.
 The resul ting mixture was then strain through a fine mash strainer and pour into prepared jars .
 Lend Arrange in a deep baking tray taking care to not touch one another.
 Then the sheet Carefully pour hot water to about two thirds the height or ceramic dish.
Rozata bake for about 35 minutes, then care fully remove the pan from the water bath.
 Leave them to cool to room temperature, cover them with plastic sheets 
and chill overnight in the refrigerator.
When ready to serve, care fully flip the rozata on a plate 
with caramel sauce thatwill flow from the bowl.

 Serve immediately.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Zeeuwse bolussen


500 grams Flower
1 pinch salt
3.5 deciliter milk
50 grams Yeast
75 grams butter
1 Egg
250g caster sugar Brown
2 tablespoons cinnamon


Sift the flour into a bowl and put some salt in it. Heat the milk until it is lukewarm. Solve the yeast with the butter in a little lukewarm milk. Make a well in the flour and add the yeast mixture that has just been created here. Now Beat the egg and put it also in the same hole in the yeast solution. Pour dash dash for the rest of the lukewarm milk to the flour and go all from the middle knead until a nice smooth dough. Let the dough rise for about 1 hour under a moist cloth in a warm place. Meanwhile, the dough rises you can already cinnamon and brown sugar mix together. After hours you have the dough to rise one more time knead well. Weigh than small pieces of dough off of 60 grams. Let this dough pieces 15 minutes below a plastic bag or tarp. After 15 minutes you can put the pieces of dough a little by the cinnamon-sugar mixture and roll back 15 minutes to rise. Now the real work. Roll the dough pieces by the sugar into long strengels, and roll up your finger like a turd. It's very simple, pick up the twist at the end between your thumb and forefinger and turn the twist at two times around your finger. . Place the boluses right on a buttered baking sheet or baking paper held by the end of the bolus under the bolus. Let the boluses under plastic sheeting rise half an hour. Preheat the oven already at 250 degrees Celsius. Bake the boluses in 10 minutes or until tender and brown. After baking, the boluses turn right but beware of the sugar syrup because it is very warm. Let the boluses are cool but not dry.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Peanut sauce


peanut butter
tablespoon garlic powder
teaspoon ginger
2 tablespoons ketchup
3-4 tablespoons of peanut butter
4 dl milk
teaspoon of bouillon powder
2 tablespoons soya sauce

Pour milk into a saucepan, add all ingredients except peanut butter and cook on low flame.
When boiling, add peanut butter and stirring for about 5 minutes or until sauce thickens to desired consistency.

Sauce can be served with various dishes.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Chocolate kuglof


125g butter
150 g sugar
150 ml of milk
160 g wheat flour
20g cocoa powder
1 vanilla sugar
1 baking powder
2 eggs
For the glaze:
40 g butter
100 g chocolate

Butter heat to dissolve, remove from the heat, stir in the sugar and vanilla sugar,
 milk and finally add the mixture of flour cocoa and baking powder.

Add eggs and well-made mixture pour into a greased and flour sprinkled mold for cake. Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 40-45 minutes.

For the glaze:
Heat the butter to boil, remove the heat, add the broken up chocolate and stir to dissolve.
Pour over cake and cool

Moussaka with zuchini

Required for 4 people
0.5 kg of ground meat
2 red onions
3 eggs
tomato concentrate
1 kg of potatoes

Clean onions and cut into cubes, on a hot fat fry the onion and add the meat fry until liquid evaporates.
Add tomato concentrate and make up a little water, salt and pepper and cook until the liquid has evaporated.
Peel potatoes and cut into slices about 1cm thick.

Blanched potatoes in the fryer.
In a pan put a series of potatoes and cover with meat
 then put the sliced zuchini and re-cover the meat, the last line again put the potato

 and is ready for baking.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour.
Five minutes before the end of baking in bowl mixed eggs with a little salt and pepper
 and pour over baked moussaka, 
Back in the oven for another 5 minutes for the eggs curdle.
Remove from the oven and after 15 minutes it is ready for serving.

Friday, December 4, 2015

French fries, which is not


4 cups milk
1.5 cups polenta
2 tablespoons butter
70 g goat cheese
Teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons vegetable oil


1. On medium heat warm the milk and stir.

2. Slowly pour in the polenta and stir until a uniform mixture. Lower the heat and cook for about 5 minutes.

3. Add the cheese and butter and salt and pepper.

4th Stir until all lumps are gone, and then pour the mixture into a shallow dish that you previously Zamastil lightly buttered or you put greaseproof paper baking.

5th Evenly place the mixture and let stand for about 20 minutes and refrigerate for 1 hour.

6. Remove the polenta from the refrigerator and turn the container on a clean work surface or cutting board. Cut strips of polenta fries approximate size, but a bit thicker.

7th Heat a skillet and oil and fry the strips of polenta on two to three minutes on each side.

8. When you are finished, remove the strips on paper towels to drain excess fat. Serve with main course or with sauce optional.

Thursday, December 3, 2015



600g plain flour
350 ml of warm milk
4 tablespoons oil
0.5 pieces of baking powder
1 bag of dried or 20 g of fresh yeast
1 egg
200-250 g of butter (for coating the dough circles)
2 teaspoons salt

Coating before baking:

1 egg
Pinch of salt
Sesame or other small seeds for sprinkling
For a sweet variation in the dough, add 1 lemon zest or orange, 1 vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Charging (salty): salty cheese, cream cheese, ham, ham-cheese, cheese + spinach (your choice)

Charging (sweet): Nutella, various jams, stuffing of ground hazelnuts and sugar or poppy seeds, walnuts, almonds.


First dry or fresh yeast, flour, sugar and a little warm milk, mix and leave to rise.

2. In a bowl mix well the flour, baking powder and salt and add the risen yeast, lukewarm milk that are mixed with oil, and at the end of an egg. Knead a smooth dough.

3. When you have kneaded the dough, divide it into 8 balls. Roll out the dough into a circle with a diameter of 15-20 cm and so that when the first round of stretch to it Arrange thinly sliced or grated slices of butter (or well soften butter, apply with a brush or spoon) and agree on it the next round. Doing so until you get to the eighth round of dough you put the last and do not put butter.

4. Now as complex well roll the dough into a circle to a thickness of less than one centimeter. Cut the first four parts, and each quarter even at 4 parts if you want more croissants or 6 parts if you want less croissants.

5. croissants filled with stuffing that you want, either sweet or salty. From savory fillings, my favorite stuffing salty feta cheese or cream cheese and sweet of all possible fillings! Charge of the wider part of the spoon, press well to prevent the stuffing went out during baking and roll in snails, respectively, in the form of a croissant. Arrange on a baking sheet on which you put a baking sheet and let rise one croissants 30 - 45 min.

6. Start the oven that is heated in the meantime, brush croissants with a mixture of an egg and salt and sprinkle with sesame seeds or other that you love (with salted croissants).

7. Bake at 200 ° C for a 20-25 minutes, or until croissants not assume a nice golden color.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Cottage cheese

How to make your own cottage cheese? 
Actualy it is very easy and dont take to much time.


2 whole milk  (the best is fresh milk from the farm)
2 lemons


Milk heated to boiling (not boil). In hot milk add the juice of 2 lemons and mix. 
Wait for the lemon acts, about half  hour, and strain through cheesecloth or a fine mash strainer.
 Tight in  cheesecloth and lifted for easier juicing. 
The cheese is ready when whey ceases to drip. 
Whey can be used to make a variety of cakes or as a tasty and healthy drink.

cheese you can eat fresh or as a condiment.