Sunday, November 29, 2015

Constantinople Cake


For the dough:
12 egg whites
15 tablespoons sugar
six tablespoons of flour
200 g walnuts

For the filling:

12 egg yolks
8 tablespoons flour
5 sachets of vanilla sugar
10 tablespoons powdered sugar
500ml milk
250 g butter
300 g walnuts


Crust: Whisk 6 egg whites with 7.5 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, to add it manually mixing 100 grams of nuts and bake the crust in the pan  on  baking paper. In the same way, make another sheet. When the crust baked and cooled divide them lengthwise so you get 4 of the same bark.
Phil: 8 tablespoons of flour, 5 bag of vanilla sugar, 10 tablespoons of powder-sugar, stir in a little milk, previously put 500ml of milk to a boil and cook the pudding. Cream the butter with 4 tablespoons of powder-sugar, and to add one by one yolk mixing with the mixer.
The cooled filling assemble with egg butter, manually mute and finally add 300 grams of nuts. This filling fill each crust and assemble the cake. Coat the cake inside and sprinkle with coarsely ground walnuts. Garnish as desired

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


500 g ready-to bark baklava
500g walnuts - half ground, half a chopped
3 tablespoons bread crumbs
100ml oil coating bark
125ml oil and 125g of butter to coat baklava
800ml water
800g sugar
juice of half a lemon


Prepare syrup

First make the syrup to cool down when baklava is baked. Boil water and sugar 20 min. Towards the end add the juice of half a lemon. Allow to cool while making baklava, because it goes hot baklava - cold syrup.

Preparing baklava:

Size 20x30cm baking dish coated with oil. Kore cut the size of the pan. Mix the walnuts and bread crumbs. First, line up in a baking pan crust 3 each coated with oil. Fourth sprinkle a mixture of nuts and bread crumbs, fifth oiled. So line up to the end, one coated with oil, sprinkle with nuts next until you spend all the material. At the end of 3 crust coated with oil just as in the beginning. Put aside another crust. Baklava cut diagonally to the rhomboids. Heat 125ml of oil and 125g of butter and pour it over the cut-out baklava. On baklava put an entire crust that has been left on the side in order not burned.

Baking baklava:

Baklava is baked 50min. Heat the oven to 220C. The first 10 minutes the oven to 220C. Reduced to 180C and bake for 30 minutes at 180C. At the end of this firing step up to 200C while the temperature of the furnace for 10 minutes.
Remove from the oven, remove the upper crust and pour cold bay. When absorbed bay can hang another casserole 10 minutes to stand in order to avoid the upper crust of the elevator. Allow to cool to room temperature and placed in the refrigerator covered with aluminum foil

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Bread with Gorgonzola

250 g flour
2.5 teaspoons of baking powder  (i use baking soda)
1 egg
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
100 ml of oil
250 ml of buttermilk 
100 g Gorgonzola
a pinch of  salt for sprinkling

Gorgonzola chop into small pieces.

In a bowl, place the flour and mix with baking powder.
Add all the other ingredients: sugar, salt, egg, oil and buttermilk and mix by hand with a wire pastry, to connect all the ingredients and there are no lumps of flour.
DO NOT use a mixer for this dough, only be mixed by hand.

Finally, add gorgonzola gently into dough

Pour the mixture into a mold for bread 20x10 cm mold previously greased with a little oil, bottom and sides and sprinkle with a little flour ii grits. Pole sprinkle with a pinch of rock salt.
Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 45 minutes

Pumpkin cream soup

1 kg pumpkin
3 large carrots
3 potatoes
2 spring onions (not necessarily young)
half green less paptike
2 sprigs of celery, and parsley
cream (optional)
2 tablespoons olive oil
a pinch of butter

Pumpkin cleaned and cut into slices. That and other vegetables, all put to cook covered with water over the vegetables 2 prsta.dodati oil salt, pepper and cook until the vegetables are soft

When the vegetables are cooked pour off some water and mix with a hand blender, if you prefer a little thicker soup, do not add water that you are taking and if you like that is a little infrequent, add water 'mass to the top of the blade add to the soup and stir, add the cream.

Cleaned pumpkin seeds lightly fry.


Serve hot soup and sprinkle with seeds and optionally add cream

Saturday, November 21, 2015



450 g flour
250g butter or fat
125 g sugar
4 egg yolks
1.5 tablespoon honey
165 g ground walnuts
on top of a teaspoon white pepper
½ teaspoon ground cloves
lemon zest of one lemon
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
100 g of powdered sugar with half a teaspoon of cloves for sprinkling


Rub the butter into the flour, then in the middle, add the other ingredients: sugar, egg yolk, honey, nuts, pepper, cloves, lemon peel, cinnamon, nutmeg. Knead the dough for about ten minutes, or until it forms a firm ball.

Chilled dough roll on floured surface to a thickness of 5 to 7 mm. Good sprinkle with flour wooden molds, print various motives and cut them with a sharp knife and place on prepared baking sheet.

Short Bake at 180 degrees that are not darkened. They're done when they start getting a splash of color around the edges.



600 g flour
300 ml of lukewarm water
6 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 yeast


The warm water dilute the yeast with the sugar and let it foam. Mix flour with salt, add water, yeast and oil and knead a smooth paste. Allow to rest for 30 minutes.

Risen dough spread into six balls and leave it to rest for half an hour. Then they extend to 1/2 inch thick and let sit for 15 minutes.

Bake 10 minutes in preheated oven at 250 degrees.


• 140 g butter (room temperature)
• 110 g icing sugar
• 1/2 vanilla pod (scrape marrow out of sticks)
• 6 egg yolks
• 6 egg whites
• 130 g dark chocolate
• 110 g granulated sugar
• 140 g flour
• 200 g of apricot jam
• Butter (for mold)
• flour (for mold)
• cream (for decoration)

For the glaze:
• 200 g granulated sugar
• 125 ml of water
• 150 g chocolate

In a bowl, mix the soft butter with powdered sugar and vanilla until a creamy mass. Slowly stir in the egg yolks and can beat until a thick foam. Chocolate melt in pairs and add to the mixture. Make egg whites, slowly then add granulated sugar and lay on until you get the shine and harden so that it can cut. Snow add a previously prepared mixture of egg yolks, all sprinkle with flour and gently stir with a wooden spoon. At the bottom of the mold for the cake set the baking sheet, and the edge of the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour. Put the pastry in the mold, flatten it, and bake for 55 to 60 minutes in an oven pre-heated you up to 170 ° C. The first 10 - 15 minutes leave the oven door open 1 cm, then close them. (The cake is baked good when you give in to a light finger pressure). Cake (with mold) leave to cool for 20 minutes. Remove the paper, turn the cake again and leave to cool in order to remedy the unevenness on the surface. Then with a sharp knife horizontally in half a cake. Heat the jam a little, stir until smooth, spread it both halves of the cake and then reconnect it. And the edges of the brush with jam and let it dry. Icing sugar to boil water for about 5 minutes, let it boil and allow to cool slightly. Melt the chocolate steamed and gradually mix with sugar solution, until a thick, smooth glaze. In one quick motion pour cake in the fewest moves evenly glaze. Let the cake is dried for several hours, until the icing hardens completely. In the end, cut into slices and serve with whipped cream

Friday, November 20, 2015

Super smart cake - SSC

8 eggs
300 g sugar
10 tablespoon flour
250g butter
1 liter milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
rind of lemon

Melt butter 1 and leave to cool. Foamy stir the egg yolks with sugar, gradually add flour, melted butter, vanilla extract, lemon peel and milk. To the combined mixture gradually add pre-made egg whites firm. The mixture is poured onto a previously prepared tin (20x30 cm) lined with baking paper and bake in preheated oven for one hour at 165 degrees.

If you prefer chocolate, simply replace part of the flour with cocoa.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nederlandse oliebollen

voor het beslag:

1 kg. bloem
1 l lauwe melk
80 gr gist  80 gr (zachte) boter
50 gr witte basterd suiker
20 gr citroensap
10 gr zout
3 eieren
zonnebloemolie voor het frituren.

voor het garnituur:

75 gr krenten
100 gr rozijnen
100 gr geconfijt fruit in stukjes
200 gr appel

voor de afwerking:

1 bus poedersuiker

Laat allereerst de krenten en de rozijnen een paar uur wellen in wat lauw warm water. Snij daarna de appelen in kleine blokjes van ca. 3/4 cm.  Laat in de tussentijd de krenten en rozijnen even in een zeef uitlekken. Voeg nu de krenten, rozijnen en appelstukjes samen. Los de gist op in de lauwe melk.  Doe de bloem in een zeer royale kom en maak een kuiltje in het midden, voeg de boter en suiker toe en meng langzaam draaiend de melk door de bloem, totdat een mooie gladde massa ontstaat.  Voeg de citroensap en de garnituur toe, roer het geheel even door elkaar en voeg als laatste het zout toe.  Laat het geheel nu ca. 30 minuten op een temperatuur van ca. 30 graden rijzen.  Let dus wel op, dat je de kom groot genoeg gekozen hebt, daar je anders het gevaar loopt dat het letterlijk de pan uit rijst.  Gebruikte dan ook een emmertje en dekte deze af met een schone theedoek en liet deze achter de kachel rijzen.  Na ca. 30 minuten sloeg zij het deeg neer en liet het nogmaals omhoog komen.

Roer daarna het geheel nog eens goed door en het afbakken kan beginnen in olie van ca. 175 graden. Gebruik daarvoor een natgemaakte juslepel, maar een ijsbollenschep gaat beter.  Deze dient uiteraard ook even natgemaakt te worden.  Bak steeds zoveel bollen, dat ze nog ruim door de pan zweven.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Tagliatele in lemon and basilicum sauce


500 grams of fresh tagliatelle
6 tablespoons olive oil
2 lemons
20 grams of fresh basil
150 grams of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
4 egg yolks
salt and pepper

Egg yolks in a bowl put, add zest and juice of two lemons, grated Parmesan cheese and olive oil.
well mixed and add salt and pepper. 
In a mortar with a little salt belabor basil and  add to the sauce.

Meanwhile cook the tagliatelle and hot add them to the sauce and mixed well.
Serve hot.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Cubes of apple and poppy

A cup of 2.5 dl
4 large apples
1 tablespoon cinnamon and spices for gingerbread
4 eggs
2 Vanilla sugar
half a cup of sugar
1 cup wheat flour
half a cup of milk
½ cup oil
1 baking powder
200 g ground poppy seeds

Ingredients for the glaze:
100g dark chocolate
2 dl

Turn oven to 200C and let it warm. Baking pan size about 35 * 20 cm with parchment paper.

Apple peel and grate them on a coarse grater, sprinkle them with cinnamon or spice for gingerbread and stir.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix egg whites in firm snow.

Foamy mix yolks with sugar, then add the other ingredients - apples, flour, milk, oil, baking powder and poppy seeds, mix to combine.

At the end of the hand-mix the egg whites.
Pour the mixture into the tin, flatten and bake for about 30 minutes.

Chilled cake pour chocolate glaze.
Prepare the glaze over low heat, melt the chocolate with the cream

Thursday, November 12, 2015

My sweet rolls

It should:
0.5 kg of flour
1 dl oil
3 dl milk
1 sachet of dry yeast
half tablespoons salt
two tablespoons of sugar

In a bowl add the sieved flour salt and sugar and mix a hand then make a hollow in the middle where we put the yeast and pour oil.
The milk is heated to be lukewarm and the dough mixture.
Dough divide into three balls and leave at least half an hour to rise.

Then each ball on a floured surface roll out into a circle that then coating  with oil or melted butter and cut into 16 triangles that's roll and then to agree on a baking sheet wax paper, brush with beaten egg and to sprinkle with salt sesame or poppy. (Although you can sprinkle with everything that he have one)
Let's be a little more up and put in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.
I must say that this prepared rolls remain soft and two or three days, although it is very hard to leave them for so long on the table.
After baking it is very hard to resist them.

Bon appetit !!

Domaće kifle


0.5 kg brašna
1 dl ulja
3 dl mlijeka
1 vrečica suhog kvasa
pola zlice soli
dvije žlice šečera 

U zdijelu prosijemo brašno dodamo sol i šečer pa izmješamo rukom zatim u sredini napravimo udubinu gdje stavimo kvasac i dolijemo ulje.
Mlijeko zagrijemo da bude mlako te zamjesimo tijesto.
Tijesto podjelimo u tri loptice i ostavimo minimalno pola sata da se uzdigne.
Zatim svaku lopticu na pobrašnjenoj površini izvaljamo u krug  koji zatim premazemo sa uljem ili rastopljenim maslacem te  izrežemo na 16 trokuta koje zatim zarolamo i slazemo u pleh na masni papir, premažemo sa razmučenim jajem te posipamo sa soli sezamom ili makom.(doduše možete posuti sa svaćime sto imate)
Pustimo da se jos malo digne pa stavimo u zagrijanu pečnicu na 180 stupnjeva oko 15 minuta.
Moram naglasiti da ovako pripremljene kifle ostaju mekane i po dva tri dana iako je jako tesko ostaviti ih tako dugo na stolu.
Nakon pecenja jako je tesko odoljeti da ih onako vruče ne počnete jesti i zato

U slast!!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Traditional Dalmatian cuisine

In Dalmatia, has a multitude of variants of preparing food and it is difficult to separate what is the best because all emphasize uniqueness.
Many often connects Dalmatia with lamb, fish or seafood under the lid, which gives a specific flavor.

Today I will single dish that is hundreds of years old and that it is still prepared as prepared in the beginning.


Soparnik is kind of  pie spinach, speciality from the Dalmatian Poljica. It dates from the time of the Turks.

Basically, it is a very simple dish, consists of a little spinach, green onions and parsley, between two layers of the simplest dough.

Spinach or mangold chard is purified so as to remain only the green part of the leaf. So cut chard wash and dry well, and cut into strips. Mangold chard is then added chopped onions and parsley, and season with salt together and pour olive oil.

The dough is kneaded with flour, a little salt, two tablespoons of olive oil and water as needed. Thus prepared, the dough is divided into two equal parts, and a little put aside to rest.

The dough is then transferred onto a floured board, stretch into very thin layer and forms the shape of a circle corresponding to the baking tray. The dough is then placed mixture of spinach and onions, and this mixture is covering the other half of dough, stretched in the same way. Two layers of dough are connected by twisting the top layer over the bottom, inward (toward baking tray). The upper crust with a fork to stab at a couple of places that can come out of steam.

Steamer is baked for 20 minutes at 200 ° C. In Poljica, Steamer is baked in a hearth, the sheet, and covered with embers. Baked when flushed. After removing from the oven, is additionally coated with olive oil to which was added garlic.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Wien apple cake

Ingredients: 6 people

For surface!

200 g flour
1 egg
100 g sugar
125g butter
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons bread crumbs

Sponge cake with apples

6 large apples
125g butter
125 g sugar
1 egg
100 g flour
2.5 dl cream
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
1 teaspoon cinnamon

 The mold 26 cm in diameter. spread with fat and sprinkle with spoon bread crumbs.
In bowl sift flour, baking powder, add the butter, egg and sugar and interfere
dough. Immediately extend it and put in a mold, so that the edges of the pastry is about 5 cm. height!
Needle with a fork and sprinkle with another spoon bread crumbs!
Peel the apples, clean and cut into four acts. I suggest you put them in cold
water with some lemon juice that you do not turn black while making a biscuit!

For light and fluffy biscuit softened butter with sugar, add egg, mix more
little, then add the lemon zest, sifted brasno.Sve mix well, then add
blended cream and all well-connected!
Prepared apples'll send to unbaked surface and sprinkle them with cinnamon and apple over
Arrange egg biscuit, to completely cover the apples, align!

From above sprinkle with flaked almonds and bake in the oven pre-zaagrijanu! Bake at
190 c oko45 min. Check with the wand that the cake is baked, if not extended bit
baking. When the cake is baked leave it in the off oven for another 10-15 minutes

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fritule with apples

Fritule with apples

2 medium sour apple
0.5 kg of yogurt 
0.5 kg of flour 
2 vanilla sugar 
1 baking powder or baking soda
zest of orange 
0.2 deciliter of plum brandy 
5 tablespoons brown sugar 
1 liter of oil 
Powdered sugar for dusting 

Apple peel and cut into small cubes. 

In a bowl put yogurt, sugar, vanilla sugar, plum brandy, zest of oranges and all Mix well with a wooden spoon until the sugar dissolves. Gradually add spoon by spoon flour mixed with with baking powder and stir constantly to not make lumps, when we add all the flour mixture should be quite thick but liquid. 

Then add sliced diced apple and if necessary,
 we can add a little more flour if necessary.
 In a deeper pan, warm the oil. 

With one hand, grasp the mixture and with a teaspoon puts fry in hot oil. 
Fritule fry about 2-4 minutes still hot sprinkle with powdered sugar 
and if someone likes the sugar can be added teaspoon cinnamon

Buon Apetit !