Saturday, January 30, 2016

Miracle of one egg

The recipe for a simple cake 'Miracle of an egg' ingredients that are more or less still have in the kitchen and for which you need to prepare separate only half an hour.
Ingredients for the miracle of an egg:


1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 cup ground walnuts
1 cup milk
½ cup oil
1 cup flour
1 baking powder

Preparation: Beat egg and add half a cup of sugar and continue to mix until you have a thick creamy texture, then add the milk, stirring and gradually add the remaining sugar. Then spoon stir in nuts and oil, and work out at the end of a spoon stir in flour mixed with baking powder.
Thus prepared mixture pour into oiled and floured baking pan. Bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Tip: Cake should be juicy and it is important not to overdo. After 15 minutes of baking free toothpick make middle biscuits. If the toothpick does not remain traces of the mixture, you can remove it from the oven.


- 1 vanilla pudding
- 3 ml milk
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 15 grams of butter

Take 1 ml of milk and stir it into the pudding and sugar, the rest of the milk put in a pot to boil. Lower the heat and the hot milk slowly, stirring add the prepared pudding.

When all boil, remove from heat and allow to cool, and then stir in the butter and knead all good mixer.

At cooled biscuit add the cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate, cinnamon, ground walnuts or addition to your liking.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


To create a figurine of fondant mixture put in more density in order to be stronger. When applying or making ornaments, use a brush with a little water. To create ornaments roll out fondant on the desired thickness and prepare a sharp and precise tools such as scalpels and cake tins or household items: wire, foil, and toothpicks to glasses and lipstick.

If used for coating fondant cake, rolled sugar mixture must be greater than the cake at least a few inches on each side. To use it precisely set, roll it on the roller and place the biscuit. Fondant smooth hands quick movements. Sharp knife or roller for cutting pizza cut the excess sugar mixture around the cake, which is then used for the figures.
- If the fondant too tight, you can put a few seconds in the microwave or leave ten minutes at room temperature. It will become less elastic and will have to knead.

5 g of vegetable fat
50 g sugar powder
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons water
teaspoon food colors as desired
Fat, lemon. juice and water melt over low heat, but do not boil. 25 g sugar gradually add the liquid and quickly stir with a whisk. When you get a nice thick mass, increase heat to a boil. Mix about a minute. Remove from heat and gradually add the remaining sugar stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Remove from heat on the work surface previously sprinkled with starch flour that does not stick. Wrap the mixture in plastic wrap and keep in a dry to use as fondant would not dry.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Poffertjes or Dutch pancakes

For the Dutch pancakes (Poffertjes) whether the special pans with small hollows where the dough is placed for roasting.
Of course, today there are devices in which this can be faster and easier
 to prepare but I prefer the old-fashioned way preparation
 that requires a little more time and effort but it is enjoying the taste irresistibly

 1 2/3 cup self-raising flour
 2 tablespoons caster sugar
 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
 1 egg
 1 1/2 cups (375ml) milk

Step 1
Sift flour into a bowl. Stir in sugar. Make a well in the centre. Whisk vanilla, egg and milk together in a jug. Add to well. Beat together for 2 minutes until smooth and fluffy. Cover and stand for 20 minutes
Step 2
Heat a large frypan over medium heat. Spray with cooking oil. Drop ½ a tablespoon of batter into pan. Repeat to make 8 mini pancakes. Cook for 2 minutes or until bubbles start to form on surface. Turn over. Cook for 1 minute or until golden and cooked through. Cool on wire rack.

Step 3
Repeat with remaining mixture, greasing pan between additions.

Step 4
Serve warmed with butter and icing sugar or with maple syrup and berries.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

7 ways how to roasted vegetables to make the finest dishes

Roasted vegetables can be a great side dish or a meal. But with salt and pepper should he add a few more spice or ingredient to be flashed in the best possible way.

1. Carrot + honey + parsley + thyme
Carrots is a natural sweet root vegetables, so when her bake with a little honey, parsley and thyme you will feel as if you are eating the finest dessert. For best results, bake in the oven for about 40 minutes at 190 degrees Celsius.

2. Pumpkin + honey + + sage rosemary
Pour the pumpkin pieces cleaned with a little honey, add the sage leaves and rosemary and bake in oven for 30 to 45 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius until tender. Thus roasted pumpkin can serve with the main course, or turn to mush soup or risotto.

3. Brussels sprouts + garlic + vinegar balsamico + bacon
Some foods like public, such as roasted Brussels sprouts and bacon. Mix them with onion and vinegar, and bake for about 20 to 30 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius until they become golden yellow.

4. Broccoli + sesame oil + soy sauce + brown sugar + garlic
Broccoli does not have to be boring. Find inspiration for baking in Asian dishes and pour the dressing of these spices and sauce, and bake for about 15 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius.

5.Beetroot + vinegar + honey + thyme
Wrap beets in aluminum foil and bake in the oven is about 45 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius. Unwrap beets, clean it and season with a combination of vinegar, honey and spices.

6. Potato + butter + mustard + onions + lemon
Potatoes with butter and mustard, sprinkle with diced onions, and sprinkle with lemon all. Bake in oven for about 40 minutes at 190 degrees Celsius. Good apetite!

7. Asparagus + garlic + lemon + parmesan
Bake asparagus for about 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, and a meal, add the grated parmesan. After all green vegetables taste better when you enrich with cheese.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hot chocholate

Best hot chocholate


200 g of dark chocolate with at least 60% of cocoa
2 dl cold milk
3 dl cream
teaspoon vanilla extract,


Chocolate break into small pieces.
Add half deciliter of milk and cook steamed stirring.
When the chocolate has melted, add the rest of milk, cream and vanilla extract.
Heat until all the ingredients are not imbued.
When preparing hot chocolate, you can play and various spices to further enhance flavor.
 You can insert chilli, ginger, various liqueurs, cinnamon .... whatever you like

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Confectioner cream -basic


500ml milk
1 vanilla pod
4 egg yolks
150 g sugar
50 g flour or density
for solid creams more:
1 sheet gelatin


Brew milk along with Fretting seeds from vanilla bean. If desired, put the empty pod to be removed when the milk boils.

Beat the egg yolks with sugar and add the flour or cornstarch mix that no lumps.
In it pour a little boiling milk, stir well and add the rest of the milk. Mix well, return to the vessel in which the milk stove and cook over low heat until the cream thickens.
Remove from the heat and as it cools, stir frequently to be at the top catches skin, or cover with plastic wrap.
For faster cooling, cream onto a larger platter, spread and cover with foil.

For thicker cream, cooked cream remove from heat, let stand a little, and get involved previously soaked and drained gelatine.

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Dutch Table: Poffertjes

The Dutch Table: Poffertjes: Poffertjes... the name alone invokes visions of carnivals, festivities and palatal pleasure. Even saying it brings joy to the vocal cords....