Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Catalan cream

To prepare the Catalan cream you only need 1 cup sugar, 4 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of density, 1 cinnamon stick, cinnamon 1 lemon or orange and 2 cups of milk and ten minutes time.

Spanish cuisine has a long tradition of preparing sweets and desserts to enjoy. Each region of Spain has its own specialties, order cakes and sweets of dough and separate them is a passion prepares cream from simple, natural ingredients. Among the Spanish desserts particularly popular Crema Catalana which has, as the name suggests, comes from the province of Catalonia.

Crema Catalana is often compared with the famous French dessert, Creme Brulee infection. The similarity, of course, since there is in both cases a rich cream with caramelized top layer, however Crema Catalana adorned thinner crust and aroma of cinnamon and lemon or orange. Also, unlike the creme bruleea which is made from cream and bake in the oven, crema Catalana is prepared from a mixture of milk and eggs and, in the original, allowed to cool in special jars of clay.

Traditionally, crema Catalana was preparing March 19 on the so-called. Day of St. Joseph or the Spanish equivalent of Father's Day, but today is prepared throughout the year. This rich and delicious dessert you can easily prepare themselves.

Only a few ingredients and 10 minutes of cooking

To prepare the Catalan cream, you need the 1 cup sugar, 4 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of density, 1 cinnamon stick, cinnamon 1 lemon or orange and 2 cups of milk.

To begin with, in the bowl mix egg yolks and ¾ cup sugar until the mixture is foamy. Add her cinnamon and lemon zest or orange, milk and cornstarch. The mixture put on fire it gradually warming and stirring constantly. Do not wait for the mixture completely Gust to remove from the heat, but remove it as soon as you feel that mixture provides "resistance" when mixing. That way you get a smooth and creamy texture.

Now remove the cinnamon stick and milk cream Arrange in 4-6 ramekin dish. Allow to cool and move them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Before serving, evenly the rest of the sugar and caramelize the cream on him by the burner. With no burner, caramelized crust can be achieved and that the container with cream and sugar you put on the grid heated gas grill and leave for a few minutes or until the sugar on top of the dessert does not become brown.

Crema Catalana may be served hot or cold, for a unique experience serve it with caramelized figs.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Homemade yeast

As more and more Swedes yeast made at home, in Stockholm opened a hotel where you can leave in care while on vacation, says Paul Hollywood, who is in his TV show demonstrated how easy it is to prepare a starter at home. Home cultures for sourdough old-fashioned form of yeast that was created long before appeared brewer. It was used in ancient Egypt, and today more and more people are falling in love with something Taminia, crisp and airy bread or rolls of sourdough.
- While the dough is prepared from domestic yeast slowly rises, the effort is really worth it - notes globally popular baker in culinary TV show "Bread and rolls Paula Hollywood".
To create the initial culture, Paul advised to use fruits like unsprayed apples or organically grown white grapes without seeds. Halve the apple, take the core and grate the rind. Mix 1/2 kg of flour and 360 ml of water. Add the grated apple and place the mixture in a jar that can be tightly closed. Highlight marker level of dough to keep track of growth. After three days the mixture will rise, will be darker and smell like cider. It will look like a thick dough with the first bubble.
Take off half mixture, and the rest move in a bowl. Add 250 g of flour and 170 ml of lukewarm water. Stir, back in the jar, it is close and leave for two days at room temperature. Then there should be more bubbles. If on top of a layer of liquid, stir in the flour and let stand another day.
- In case you do not appear bubbles, and the mixture does not grow, leave for a few days - advises Paul.
Once the yeast ferments, discard half and add the flour and water so you get the density of soft dough. Leave for 24 hours and, if subsequently the appearance of bubbles, ready for use. Fail you, let the yeast "resting" for two more days.
- Bake bread you once a week, keep yeast at room temperature. Every three days or every time you take a part of the preparation, mix flour and water. If you're using yeast once a month, keep a jar in the refrigerator - advises Paul Hollywood.
Natural yeast will be active as long as he continue adding flour and water.
Tips chef
Keeping in a refrigerator slows, but does not stop the activation of the yeast.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Dalmatian Fritule

benodigde ingrediënten

2-3 eieren
0.5 liters yoghurt
3-4 eetlepels suiker
2 vanille suiker
300-500 gram bloem
 snufje zout 
 citroen smaak
bak poeder
rum of andere alcohol zoals vodka of cognac
raisins - rozijnen

In een schaal, breek de eieren, voeg de yoghurt, suiker, zout, vanille suiker, citroen smaak, rum, rozijnen en bak poeder toe en roer goed met een houten lepel.

Voeg bloem toe indien nodig en maak de deeg dikker dan voor pannenkoeken. Laat het 15 minuten staan.

In een pot verwarm je het vet tot 180 graden, zet een kopje water en een lepel ernaast. Met je linkse hand, pak het deeg en maak een vuist bovenop je hand, 
met een lepel pak het deeg op en doe het in het warme vet,

 frituur het tot je een gouden kleur hebt.
Leg de gefrituurde Fritule op keukenpapier, 
nog steeds warm besprinkel met suiker en klaar om te eten.

Smaakelijk !

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dubrovnik rozada

Dubrovnik rozata

For 4 people
Preparation time: 20min

Kitchen: Croatia

Instead liqueur or rum rose in Rožata can use another aromatic or fruity liqueur, and lemon zest can replace the orange rind. If you like to experiment in the cream, add vanilla seeds or ginger powder and rozata serve with whipped cream or fruit of choice. This, of course, there will be no traditional Dubrovnik ubrovačko rozata but they will still be delicious.

8 tablespoons sugar

500ml milk
6 tablespoons sugar
6 eggs
2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
Cover 1 lemon
2 tablespoons liqueur of roses (or rum)
For the caramel sauce pour the sugar into the pan thick bottom and heat over low heat until dissolved. Then turn up the heat and cook until the syrup without taking a nice golden brown. During cooking the sugar mix. Remove the pan from the heat and carefully distribute the resulting caramel among 4 ceramic bowls. Be quick because the caramel very quickly harden. The plate with caramel turn upside down so that the caramel covers and pages. Allow to cool.
Warm up the oven to 150 ° C. In a bowl Warm milk and 6 tablespoons sugar stirring constantly until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Meanwhile whisk beat the eggs with the vanilla sugar. Mix only as much as needed to connect the eggs and sugar, making sure the mixture is frothy. Do not use an electric mixer. Add the lemon zest and liqueur or rum and roses mix. At the end of the mixture pour the milk slowly and stir until everything is united together. The resulting mixture was then strain through a fine mash strainer and pour into prepared jars kreramčike. Lend Arrange in a deep baking tray taking care to not touch one another. Then the sheet carefully pour hot water to about 2/3 the height of ceramic dish.
Rozata bake for about 35 minutes, then carefully remove the pan from the water bath. Leave them to cool to room temperature, cover them with plastic sheets and chill overnight in the refrigerator.
When ready to serve, carefully flip the rozata on a plate with caramel sauce that will flow from the bowl. Serve immediately.